Wednesday, March 17, 2010


W00t! 95 Wc :D
But. The downside... 912k till next level, ouch.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bonus Xp Weekend: Final Hours.

Well, I'm down to 1.3x the exp after 5 hours of play. 300k till 95 woodcutting as I Post this. Hoping to get 95 in a day or two. People are starting to settle down, and I think prices on Supplies will lower. Hopefully. After 95 woodcutting I might Focus on getting the 65 herblore and farming req for While guthix sleeps. Damn, I wasn't prepared for the weekend, like others. Now that I think back on it I could have planted multiple trees for more XP... Ah well. There Will always be a next time.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bonus Xp weekend: Day Two

Well. I couldn't get much Herblore levels as i'd wanted to, because supplies were running dry. People were standing in the Ge shouting: "Lending (xxx Rare Item) for Nats!" or Something along those lines.. I just woodcutted, as usual >.>

In other news Atrey (a Clan Mate) Got 99 Woodcutting! Here are the screenshots! :D

Grats, Atrey!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Bonus Xp Weekend: Day one

Bonus Exp weekend. Day one was great! I started woodcutting at 765k Xp till next level, and After two hours have 555k Till next level. I then Bought some Natures and Yew longs and alched until 70 mage:

I then Went and got 61 Agility:

It's amazing how fast the xp timer goes down... It went from 2.7x to 1.9x in 3 hours.
And the Whole thing lasts 10 hours.
Woah-kebabs Is ready for day two!

Bonus Xp Weekend: